Friday, February 7, 2014

I'm horrible at giving advice....but here's my grain of salt.

Corey and I have been married for 4 months and some days. I'm not sure if we're still in the "honeymoon" stage, or if I even have the right to give advice about marriage, but I'm going to anyway.

I'm one of those girls who gets attached and has a hard time letting go.
I love artsy little pictures with lyrics on them.
            (Something like this)
I love painting on canvas. (which I haven't done in a while)
When I'm not at work I like to dress in mismatched clothing.
My favorite place to visit is Asheville.
One day I hope to work in a larger market. (it scares me to leave)
I'd like to think I'm confident, but when faced with confrontation, I just want to run and hide.
I would love to go to a Mayday Parade acoustic show.
I want to travel to a lot of places, but I've always wanted to see California.
I love photography. When we get a home, I don't want picture frames, I just want to plaster pictures on all the walls. (not in a tacky way)
I'm very honest when I give advice, and when I'm not honest its because I know I'm probably going to hurt your feelings.
I tend to push people away. (I don't want to be a let down, I don't want people to be disappointed when I can't be the friend or the person they think I am)
I like changing my hairstyle (as of right now though, I'm trying to see how long I can grow it out)
I love shopping.
I also love to wear dresses (but since I work all the time, I hardly ever get to dress up.)
My favorite pair of shoes are my combat boots that I got from Amazon. I wear them with everything, even if they don't match.
I miss going to church. Actually I miss praise and worship. (judgmental eyes aside, it's hard to go to church when you work on Sundays from 5:30am-9:00am and go back in from 2:45pm-11:45)
I love my puppy dog a little too much. Even though my husband takes better care of him, than I do.
I don't like when my husband tries to read my blog while I'm still writing it. :) (which he just did)
I like painting my nails and then letting the paint chip off instead of being an "adult" and removing the old.
I prefer Pacsun skinny jeans.
High fives are better than hugs.
Speaking of hugs, I am not a hugger. I hug my family and a few close friends, that's it.
I like to be pampered. I love back massages, foot massages and having my hair played with.
I love driving at night, with the music turned up loud.
I'm a night owl.
Sometimes I really want a tattoo, but then I can never decide what I'd want on my skin for forever.
I can be very negative when life isn't going the way I want it to, and I have a hard time finding the good in every situation.
I like drinking black coffee.
I would rather send out e-cards, than real life cards.
I'm very sarcastic.

I'm sure the list could go on and on, but the reason I wrote this list of good and bad things about my life is because my husband loves me for all of my imperfections, all of my hopes and dreams, all of my weird little quirks.

So here's my advice from a married women of 4 months and some days: (take it with a grain of salt, if you wish)
Love who you are, be who you want to be. Share your dreams with the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, work out your problems. And when you get married remember, you're in it for the good and the bad. Divorce is out of the question (unless of course they physically or emotionally hurt you). If you have a disagreement, work it out (I like to yell, Corey likes to talk in a softer tone), whatever makes you feel better.....but never, ever, quit on your husband/wife.

I'm never the best at giving advice... and I know that people change, but if you loved them once, you can love them again.

Don't live in the past. Terrible life changing events happen, but don't let those events ruin your future. Be happy with who you are, who you are with, and the new memories you can make.

Honestly, this blog is for a friend. I love you and I'm praying for you. I'm here to talk, and listen, and just be there.

“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.” - Deuteronomy 31:6

Love Always,
Callie Marie-McCarty Presley

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