Thursday, April 10, 2014

Middle School Memories

A couple of days ago, a childhood friend of mine put a couple of pictures on Facebook of our younger years and today Mandy sent me a snap chat about a memory she had from middle school. I thought it would be cool to write down a couple of middle school memories, and I've ask my Facebook friends to participate, lets see how this goes...


In middle school I was obsessed with Spongebob. - Me

I remember playing hide and seek in the band lockers where we kept the drum cases and other large instruments. - Me

"Remember when people wrote poems or short stories and they would go in the white binder, they would pick the best and publish it and if you were in the book you got to go to the cafeteria for a snack!" - Mandy Vanhook

I also remember my try out for snare, Keith Roop sat behind me drumming out a rhythm to match a leaky pipe in the ceiling. - Me

"I think one of my favorites from middle school was when they'd take us outside in 7th grade, and let us run around. We all thought we were too old for recess so they called it "break" instead" - Maria Christian

I remember rummaging through my sisters closet, trying to find the coolest outfit for our middle school dances. (Two outfits come to mind: a purple sleeveless turtle neck and a silver chain linked belt. The other was a white shirt with a tiger on the front, the sleeves were ruffled and had sequins on them....STYLIN') - Me

I remember those square boards with wheels on them in gym class, a couple of the other boys would see how fast they could go before crashing into the padded walls. - Me

"I remember when my dad died and my pre-algebra class all pitched in and got me a teddy bear named Mr. Tibbles." - Cara

"And in that class, I remember we always played pranks on Mrs. Crutchfield."- Cara

I remember when Tony Wisniewski rolled up in middle school....all the girls thought he was super cute. Honestly, I can't remember what I thought, but I remember those white and red "skater" shorts. - Me

"Blue lipstick and the health books with all the dirty pictures drawn inside!" - Mandy

"Tommy Hilfiger hair scrunchies" - Mandy V. 

"Fruitopia, Surge, the flavored Mellow Yellow!" - Mandy V. 

Does anyone else remember the "moat" in the back of the school where we had recess and some of us would catch salamanders in what I'm guessing now was a water drain? - Me

"Pee-dabs (freshmen)" - Mandy V.

"girl, that boy in prison, he in prison in his soul, for being so mean to me!" - anonymous

I remember the project we had to do in history (everyone had to pick a state and use a cardboard box to design what each state was most popular for) - Me

Remember those nights where we would go to the school for "science" night? - Me

I ask Mandy the name of our history teacher, she couldn't remember either, but did remember that when she went to "take her pills" they were Cheerios!

I remember when a boy I had a crush on let me wear his football jersey and I had to let one of the "popular" girls help me put it on, because I didn't know how to wear it the "cool way". - Me

I loved Mrs. Clouds class, she was such a sweet lady and I loved the different writing projects we had to do. - Me

I remember making a "cell" in Mrs. McKinney's class, we used toothpaste for maybe the Cytoplasm and (a boy who shall not be named ate half the tube of toothpaste during class).... - Me

"Another one is when we threw Mr. Wharton that party because he stayed after his first year and didn't leave!" - Rachel Mason.

"I remember the talent show where I did a dance routine and I fell on my face in front of our whole grade? I still blush when I think about that, and it's been almost 14 years ago!" - anonymous

I remember getting a mellow yellow and honey bun for Mr. Wharton during class. - Me

Let's face it, middle school was a long time ago. We were different little people back then. I hope more people participate after I post this. It's always good to look back at memories and laugh at all the good times we shared.

Find rest oh my soul, in God alone. My hope comes from him. - Psalms 62:5

Love Always,
Callie Marie-McCarty Presley

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