Thursday, November 7, 2013

Overgrown Children and something to do with marriage.

Marriage life: (in the words of Callie Presley, who is not an english teacher, and therefore apologized for grammatical errors and such)

I never expected marriage to change the way I feel about Corey. I loved him when we were dating, we had fun together, we had fights, we laughed, we cried, and I thought things were perfect. That nothing could be any better. That I  could never love another human being the way I loved him. 

And then we got married.....

Honestly, I don't think I've ever listened to someone explain marriage life. I've heard the mushy, gushy stories, thrown up a little, rolled my eyes, and basically never gave any of it any thought. The only thing I remember thinking was, "it'll be just like when we were dating, except we can have slumber parties every night." (How childish does that sound?) 

And then, on September 28th, 2013, I married the love of my life. 

I've learned a couple of things and I'd like to share them with you now:

Marriage life rocks. I don't think anyone can describe the feeling of being married. It's almost like, I just began dating Corey all over again, but this time my love is more deep, and I'm more passionate. I honestly cannot put into words how it feels. It's like a brand new relationship, a brand new set of butterflies, its like slumber parties forever (eating popcorn and chocolate chips, together, in a big bowl), comfy pillows and watching movies late into the night. Marriage is like that exciting feeling you get, standing in line to ride your favorite roller coaster (well except Corey wouldn't feel that way, because he hates roller coasters). It's like the feeling you get on Christmas morning, when you know what your parents bought for you, but you're just waiting to open it and play with it. (uh wait, I wish I could erase that sentence, but I find it too funny) Marriage is like reading a really good book (the ones that take you right out of reality and place you right smack dab into the story line). 

And some of you might be throwing up right now or rolling your eyes, you might be single (in which case, when you get married let me know if these feelings change) or you might be married (and if this isn't how you feel about marriage, don't tell me, because honestly I don't want to hear any negativity towards this topic)

My husband is my soul mate. Why? Well, I think one of our old college friends summed it up pretty well today, he said, "You two are a couple of overgrown children. Never change".  
We've found a balance in each other.We know what makes the other one tick. (the good and the bad) I'm the emotional one (I'm always over the top, with any emotion that I feel at a certain moment) And Corey, well he's the one who is calm and patient and slow to anger and always has a solution even when I hate the idea. He never meets a stranger, and he makes me a better person. But the biggest reason he's my soul mate, is we have fun together. (hacking each others Facebook, throwing cold water on each other in the shower, taking pictures of each other in embarrassing situations), basically just giving each other a hard time and laughing with each other afterwards! I never want to just settle down with my husband. I want there always to be something to laugh at, some kind of adventure, never a dull moment. I want to be 80 years old and still be able to trip Corey (while he hobbles along with his walker, preferably the kind with the tennis balls), and both of us laugh because we know in that moment it was hilarious and Corey, laughing extra hard because he knows he broke his butt bone, and I'll have to wait on him hand and foot. (Until I put him in a nursing home) :) 

I'm not saying that I expect marriage to be perfect. I know that we'll have fights (we're both hard headed people), I know that life throws some fast curve balls (sickness, money issues, mid-life crisis, death, issues that make you want to strangle your spouse). But I'm willing to fight for our marriage. I don't want to be a couple that doesn't hold fast to one another, that forgets their vows, that pushes each other away because they're confused about life. 

And I know that it happens. That people fall apart, that things change. And before I met Corey, I honestly didn't think that marriage was something I wanted. That "love" just wasn't in my cards. I never thought someone could love me, because my past was far from perfect. But God in all of his glory, made this guy for me. A blue eyed, overgrown child, who loves broadcasting, the outdoors, dogs, big trucks, cuddling, traveling, and most importantly he loves me. God brought us together, he allowed us to get married, and I know that he will help us stay together. 

God is good, marriage is amazing, and life should always be filled with laughter. 

(And if laughter should ever leave you, just pour cold water on someone in the shower)

Love Always,

Callie Marie McCarty Presley


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